GIS News

Dental Plans offered to TLW members.

Dental Plans


Dental plans are available to all Tavern League Members and their employees.  Benefits are payable to any licensed dental provider but you can receive additional discounts by utilizing one of the Ameritas providers.  Providers can be found by visiting  


  • Coverage for Preventive, Basic and Major services on a scheduled basis.  (there is a flat dollar amount paid towards each covered service.  For a sample schedule, click here.
  • $50 Deductible per person per calendar year on Basic and Major services Only
  • 12-month waiting period on major services
  • $1,000 Dental maximum per person per calendar year with the opportunity to increase that to $2,000 with the Dental Rewards Program, click here for details.


Three levels of coverage to choose from; Value, Standard or Royal.  The difference in plans is how much the insurance will pay per procedure.  Click here for a printable brochure and more information.


Monthly Rates

Value Plan


Insured & 1 (spouse or child)........$39.96

Insured & 2 or more.....................$59.40


Standard Plan


Insured & 1 (spouse or child)........$56.68

Insured & 2 or more.....................$82.80


Royal Plan


Insured & 1 (spouse or child)........$72.24

Insured & 2 or more.....................$106.04